Wednesday, November 16, 2011

a year later

It has been more than a year since I have posted anything on this blog. It has been so long that I needed to first figure out what email I used then reset my password- needless to say it has been a long time.

Of course I re-read my posts and it is just pathetic, every time I tried to start the blog up again, I failed. And looking back at it I know exactly why it failed. I wanted my blog to mirror the ones I really liked but make it my "own". I didn't understand how easy it was for Charles or Brittany to just post twice or more a week, now I realize it is because they are PASSIONATE about what they are writing about and I was lacking that.

This week had an insane urge to write and it dawned on me that did have this blog and yes I have tumblr but I wanted a different vibe to my blog- different from my tumblr. So I won't make any promises about blogging everyday or every week- I will however plan on writing a lot here.. I'm at an interesting point in my life and I can't really journal at the moment so I'm hoping to use this space to vent-to share-or so that Ashley could see my writing ha

So a year later... senior year.. in a relationship.. figuring out my life day by day. For those who know me realize how hard this is for me! I do not do well with slow pace, I like to know things BOOM BOOM BOOM DONE. But a year later I have learned that I can't drive myself crazy trying to figure out my life in one day. I guess this blog is going to be about finding out where my life is going (here I go defining things) we'll see where this blog goes ha..

Anyways there will be details about my relationship as I go much senior year sucks (school work wise) .. I do feel I'm going through a mid-life discovery cheesy I know... but it will work for now
